Santa Banana Kabobs
Makes: 6
Time: 10 minutes
Level: Easy

- 2 bananas
- 6 strawberries
- 2 marshmallows
- 6 mini marshmallows
- 6 red hot candies
- 12 candy eyes
- 6 skewers
- Peel the bananas and slice them into three pieces. Each piece will be about 2 inches long, depending on the size of your banana. Cut the top off of each of the strawberries.
- Cut the large marshmallows width-wise into 3, round pieces.
- Place one piece of banana on a skewer then top with a slice of marshmallow. Place a strawberry, cut side down on the marshmallow, then top the strawberry with a mini-marshmallow.
- Stick two eyes and a red hot candy on the banana to create a face before serving.